• 1:1 Athletic Pilates

    Athletic Pilates classes provide a personalised workout experience tailored to your unique fitness goals.

    These unique classes combine the precision and mindfulness of Pilates with dynamic athletic conditioning to enhance strength and flexibility.

    This class is cathartic, challenging and always accomodating to your personal level of fitness. Athletic Pilates is your path to an endorphin-packed, results-driven wellness journey based on your unique motivations.

    HeartSpace offers 60 minute 1:1 Athletic Pilates delivered online.

    70AUD / 70EUR

  • 1:1 Clinical Pilates

    Clinical Pilates is a specialised approach to Pilates that focuses on tailored exercises and movements designed to address individual needs.

    Based on a foundation of clinical practice, these 60 minute 1:1 sessions are an ideal methodology for those with specific requirements such as injury rehabilitation, pain management, pre/ postpartum exercise, athletic conditioning and postural correction.

    With over 8 years of clinical experience, HeartSpace provides expert guidance, empathy and patience for your specific needs.

    HeartSpace offers 60 minute 1:1 Clinical Pilates delivered online.

    70AUD / 70EUR

  • 1:1 Mood Based Pilates

    Experience a distinctive approach to Pilates with 1:1 online sessions, where we delve into the realm of emotions and thoughtfully blend physical activity with emotional well-being.

    These workouts are crafted to align with your mood and offer a personalised experience providing cathartic movement that goes beyond the conventional- ranging from high levels of intensity to calmer, gentler sessions.

    Inclusive of somatic-based exercise, this integral component enhances the holistic nature of these classes- fostering a deeper connection with the self, embracing your individual journey, and honouring what you feel through your body. Connecting with your emotion is at the heart of this approach, recognising that honouring your mood and feelings is essential to the healing process.

    Whether you're seeking to amplify joy or navigate through moments of melancholy- embrace the uniqueness of your individual experience as HeartSpace guides you in honouring, embracing or alleviating your mood in these uniquely tailored sessions.

    70AUD / 70EUR

  • Holistic counselling

    HeartSpace Healing provides a safe, empathetic and nurturing environment for emotional and mental well-being.

    With an approach to healing that encompasses mind, body and spirit, HeartSpace goes beyond traditional counselling by integrating techniques like mindfulness, meditation, journaling and Emotional Freedom Technique to truly heal and ultimately, show up for yourself.

    Whether you're seeking internal clarity, relief from stress and anxiety, a path to greater self awareness or simply to be seen and heard, HeartSpace is here to support you one transformative session at a time.

    HeartSpace offers 50 minute holistic counselling sessions delivered online.

    70AUD / 70EUR


    Emotional Freedom Technique- commonly known as EFT Tapping, is an evidence based practice utilising the non-verbal limbic part of the brain. EFT significantly reduces stress and calms the nervous system faster than more conventional methods.

    This practice combines elements of somatic, acupressure and cognitive behavioural therapies with principles of modern psychology to gently release emotional blockages and reprogram the subconscious mind.

    Its practical and consistent facilitation can reduce and eliminate psychological distress, fear and limiting beliefs embedded within the subconscious and conscious mind.

    These 60 minute sessions are designed to work through and release any blocks that are keeping you stuck physically, mentally and emotionally with personalised scripting, video resources and of course 1:1 guidance.

    70AUD / 70EUR

  • A Course in Self Compassion

    Our bodies are incredibly impacted by thought patterns created in the conscious and subconscious mind, and when these patterns are negative, it can result in a life that is truly half-lived and disconnects us from the love and compassion we freely give others- but never ourselves.

    A Course in Self Compassion is based on holistic counselling methodologies like meditation, EFT, inner child work and journalling in tandem with the physically transformative practice of Pilates.

    This program is offered via a weekly or fortnightly membership where we will work closely together through 1:1 video calls that include Pilates based training and the exploration of various therapeutic modalities.

    The membership includes access to video and printable resources tailored specifically for your unique journey and aims to heal conscious and subconscious wounds, cultivate true self compassion and unwavering internal fulfilment.

    If you’re seeking support to truly transform your mind and body, this is the program for you.


  • Nervous system reset

    The state of our nervous system is at the core of our emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.

    As research continues to suggest, the impact of mental distress, trauma and unresolved emotions are held physically within the body and manifest in ways we’re simply unaware of, or associate solely from a physical perspective.

    High levels of stress causes issues such as weight gain, adrenal fatigue, autoimmune disease and anxiousness- just to name a few.

    This program utilises modalities such as somatic healing, meditation, Emotional Freedom Technique and counselling practices alongside the restorative movement of Pilates to support and recover the healthy functioning of the nervous system.

    Nervous system reset is offered via a weekly or fortnightly membership where we will work closely together through 1:1 video calls that include movement based healing practices and the exploration of various therapeutic modalities.

    The membership includes access to video and printable resources tailored specifically for your unique journey and aims to restore the proper function of the nervous system, alleviate burnout and support you from states of distress and helplessness to empowerment and peace.


Ask & you shall receive

Don’t know where to start or what might work best for you? Connect to Heartspace and ask me anything. Heartspace values your individual needs and well-being above all else, so let’s talk about customising the right path for you.